Friday, August 7, 2015

Be an "Active Participant" and
don't argue with the engineer.

Member participation and the reason tickets sold are labeled "Active Participant."

Classes here at the studio have tickets labeled as "active participant" for the reason that attending is not the point of the class at a maker studio.  You have to be more than a ticket holder - you have to be active in the class.  Work at it if the class is free or for a fee.

If you disagree thats okay but be considerate with your revolt against the truth from an engineer. Visit here for more on that.

We really need you to be vocal and let us know when you will be attending a class.  A lot of work goes into making the classes effective if free or for a fee.  Please take the time to RSVP for the class if you will be attending.
Notice Arguing with the engineer may be ineffective. . .

Marking a class "I'm Going" on facebook event and then not showing up for the class will make engineers sad. . .

Thanks for taking the time to visit this little blog.  Now go sign up and attend a class or start a class of your own.

Thanks - from LCFE.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Wearable Electronics Workshop  #DIYTECHNOCRAFTING

Delight your young child by enrolling them in a sweet little workshop where they learn how a very simple circuit works as well as basic sewing. They get to create a felt bag, decorated with LED lights that switch on and off. It will light up their little lives. Ages 4-12  (please plan to assist your child) Attend this great #DIYTechocrafting workshop and create a wearable electronic item. 

We have two projects available. This is a hands on learning lab in simple sewing with Zia.  Zia will teach the Class starting at the Lawrence Center for Entrepreneurship in the Maker Studio at 5pm and run till 7pm.

You may continue to work on your items by attending the 7pm free movie night. 

Student ages are suggested at 4 to 12 years with an adult assistance. Additional Kits are available for $15 please check out the Materials Depot at LCFE for specifics.

No Soldering only sewing ;) 

Get your Eventbrite tickets for July 11th

About the Instructor
Born in New Delhi, India in 1965, Zia has spent her adult life in the US and Finland from where she received her Master of Arts in Ceramics from the University of Art and Design in Helsinki. Her work has encompassed both studio sculptural and functional work in porcelain as well as large public installations which require interaction with the audience. She also created and runs Zig Designs, a small business producing art to wear. She is currently establishing a new studio, developing a special workshop to be incorporated into schools and working on a new series of public interactive installations. Zia has sewn and knitted since she was seven and loves teaching handwork to young children. She is excited to combine wearable electronics with hand sewn products that delight young children.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Laser Cutter - Air Venting System

Getting the laser cuter vent system done today.  We will be installing it tomorrow.

Built the box and here are some pics.

3D printed the air duct couplings 

This is the carbon filter sitting next to the box that Malcom helped me build today

Carbon Filter is in the box here.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Preparing the Materials for Work Together Wednesday. . .  This week its sub sandwiches and Whiteboards.  Lots to do.  We will be hanging the whiteboards with the help of some of the members.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Organization Tips for the Busy Professional

Being in business can be hard. Finding time to organize your to-do list in addition to keeping up with the tasks that pay the bills can be too much. Let's change that. Here is a quick list of tools to help you do business better.

  1. Streak for Gmail a CRM tool to help you organize your contacts, to-dos, and more. Quickly associate emails with a task.
  2. Calendly a simple tool to help you schedule calendar events easier. No more back and forth to find a god time. Send a link and let them pick a time.
  3. Dropbox is a storage site that allows you to share items across devices easily. Move pictures from a phone to computer easily. Share items with others as well.
  4. Drive quickly create and store office documents. Send via Gmail easily as well as share with others.

These are just a few of the tools to help keep you as productive as possible. What are your favorites? Share them on our Facebook page or Tweet them to our director, Kris Adair.

Interested in joining? Fill out a membership application and we will invite you in for an interview.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Welcome Kansas Linux Fest

We had an enjoyable evening hosting the Kansas Linux Fest after party. Many conversations were had and the party went late (to us!) into the evening. It was enjoyable to show off our 3D Printer and our new Open Access RFID Control System.

There are more activities tomorrow. Check out Kansas Linux Fest for more.

Monday, March 16, 2015


We are open for business!

Here is the membership application.

It has been a fulfilling several months. Our open house went so well we forgot to take pictures. Needless to say a good time was had by all.

The very next week after our open house we welcomed our first member. We have new members joining us each week and classes to start up in April.

Our price sheet is being created as I type this so that should go up here soon.

Each Friday from 2-4pm we will have an Open House with private tours. These are great times to stop in to see what we have done with the place and also find out what we are doing.

And last is the email list. Here is the link to subscribe to our weekly email of local entrepreneur happenings. It is short and a quick read:

Entrepreneur Happenings